Fanny Flagg's Caramel Cake Recipe – Elixir for Life?

51P91PG80AL._SL500_AA246_PIkin2,BottomRight,-15,34_AA280_SH20_OU01_Last week while Larry was recovering in the hospital from a heart attack (he had angioplasty and is, thankfully, fine) I went to Sam’s and bought him a book and me a book. His book is one of those men’s books that I find rather boring. My book was Fannie Flagg’s Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven, in paperback. I was attracted by the pretty cover, and by something light and fluffy. I needed light and fluffy.

Fannie Flagg writes a compelling read; she is the writer of the book Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, which she later adapted to screen as Fried Green Tomatoes. Her characters, mostly women, are quirky, interesting and definitely not stock female characters often found in books. The settings are often rural and Southern, and I can relate to that. Another thing is Fannie Flagg’s penchant for adding recipes to her books. This book was no exception. I won’t ruin the book for those who haven’t read it, but the protagonist receives a heavenly piece of cake that ends up saving the life of a person who eats it. I decided to make this cake when Larry got home from the hospital. It was fairly easy to make, and was fairly low sugar and low fat. Larry loved it. So now I have made another one, he having eaten the first one. He has been better and better, every day. Maybe there is magic in that cake recipe! Anyway, here’s the recipe, from this link: Fannie Flagg’s Recipes:

Neighbor Dorothy’s Heavenly Caramel Cake
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

13⁄4 cups cake flour (sift before measuring)
Resift with 1 cup brown sugar

1⁄2 cup soft butter
2 eggs
1⁄2 cup milk
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
13⁄4 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat for 3 minutes. Bake in greased pan for 1⁄2 hour.

Caramel Frosting

2 tablespoons cake flour
1⁄2 cup milk
1⁄2 cup brown sugar
1⁄2 cup sifted powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1⁄4 cup butter, softened
1⁄4 cup shortening
1⁄4 teaspoon salt

Mix cake flour and milk. Cook to a thick paste over slow flame.
Cool. Cream sugars and vanilla with butter and shortening. Beat
until light and fluffy. Blend in salt. Mix in cooled paste. Beat
until fluffy. Blend. Should look like whipped cream.

About Bryn Kaup

Bryn lives in Crane, Mo., with her husband, Michael Kaup. Mike and Bryn married in 2013.
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